FCB also known as FCB D3CODE, is a Q and Topic decoder, taking people beyond the black curtainTo where uncomfortable truths can be found. FCB's technique is using hard evidence and mainstream media News articles to provide indisputable facts. He has been described as an empath & warrior all rolled up in one. A very passionate man with a vision.
To provide the truth at no cost. As everyone deserves to know the truth. As Q has said, the true price is freedom.
From a very young age he knew there was something not right with the world, would question his parents
About everything, would not accept answers it just is. Growing up he knew he was different, a black sheep of sorts.
During his young adult life he would walk and ponder about workingIn jobs (just over broke) didn't feel right, being a debt slave, the medical system, The government and the norms of society, following the herd never resonated with him.
Moving forward to the Port Arthur and Clifton Hill massacre, FCB knew this was so wrong and it was all one fat setup.To remove the guns and the rights of Australians was the target. Then 911 hit, FCB was watching the weather reporter live with the twin towers behind him and then the planes come smashing into the world trade centre. He knew then this was it, done by dark powers which pulls the strings of the world govts. From that day onward he turned off the MSM on his TV for good. FCB has always kept his finger on the pulse when it Came to world events and translating it to the NWO agenda, operation lockstep and the cabal's agenda. Moving forward to covid19, what he read about all was coming to fruition. Instead of being fearful FCB could see straight through the bullshit.
That's when he heard of Q ...
From that moment FCB knew that Q was us military intelligence. They provided the highest level of Intel to ever be dropped publicly In the history of the world using the Q drops. FCB began his extensive research and was contacted by an anonymous source who taught him about Q decoding. FCB spent every waking hour researching, digging, and expanding his mind into every rabbit hole possible. Taught himself how to look past the obvious and spent many hours on decoding techniques.
Teaching himself how to emotionally detach. From his surroundings, the MSM, fear porn and people,
To decode with a clear logical mind and reveal major truths.
Today FCB and the collective share a common vision. To awaken as many souls as possible, through empowerment of knowledge, Connection to god (source) and spiritual enlightment, not religious dogma.
Knowledge is power, Q
The Pulse News
The Hot Seat
Driven Podcast
1. FCB does not listen to other decoders as it taints FCB D3CODEs.
2. FCB does not promise dates, unless announced MSM.
3. FCB works on evidence based on facts, evidence and receipts.
4. FCB does not listen or partake in spreading hearsay, fear porn, sensationalism, emotion based click bait.
5. FCB makes sure he investigates things thoroughly before releasing them.
6. All FCB decodes must be able to be comprehended.
7. FCB must detach emotionally and use logic and reasoning when decoding from msm articles, to provide clarity in his decodes.
"My decoding skills are always evolving, you never stop learning,
I am always a willing student of knowledge..."
We all have difference of opinions, however being rude and disrespectful is not the way of expression.
We must remember the true price is freedom. We cannot be divided any longer....